Resilience Booster: CMCO is NOT a Honeymoon
Mental Health
Dr Amalia Madihie
Dr Amalia Madihie
(Ahli Eksekutif PERKAMA International; Deputy Dean for Industry & Community Engagement, Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS); Registered Counselor (Malaysia))
Chin Y: Thanks you Dr for sharing. Since CMCO is still ongoing, and may affect the graduates to find new job. What should they do as they have high rate of unemployment this time? |
Azizul A: Thanks for sharing. Indeed CMCO is a way to start the economy again and we should still adhere to strict SOPs. Hope we can maintain this balancing act by the government and public. Can you share how can we celebrate Hari Raya this year with CMCO? |
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